Monday, May 12, 2008

Catholic and Morally Responsible Investment Resources

I'm going to start accumulating financial resources for Catholics who are looking for morally responsible choices. I have been learning of some of these via Catholic radio, such as the program Catholic Answers which is on the air now on Ave Maria Radio. While working around the house after work, I typically tune in to the program over the internet and just listen. It's a great program, but this is probably the first time I've heard two hours dedicated to Catholic investment and finances.

I would invite anyone who knows of other resources to email me at or drop a note in the combox if you are aware of others. I will check them out the best that I can.

Thus far, you may want to check out these Catholic resources. I will probably build a sidebar slot called Catholic Financial and Investing Resources. This is a good start.

The book below is authored by Phil Lenahan of Veritas Financial Ministries.

I would like to add one more resource if you go to Assumption Grotto - a parish very open to life. There are many large families and quite a few are involved with homeschooling, meaning there is only one income. How do they do it? I think we should have them hold a seminar at Grotto because they are truly the experts. They're living it day in and day out and making the kind of sacrifices many of us probably haven't even thought to make.

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